well this is about expressing love ..i believe & always will ..that no girl should make the 1st step ...
boys should... this is how it must be ...
but seriously now ..i see Girls are making much efforts ..and boys still wondering what to do..really they aren't wondering ..they are afraid ...don't know what they afraid of ..maybe they afraid to get hurt ..but if they keep silence they will lose it all ..yes they well ..
i'm not talking here about the bad type of girls who stalk after a boy and still after him tell he fell for her ..this type is the worst ever..they ruin everything for other kind and normal girls ..and who fell for this types ..really deserve the miserable life he will get !!!..
and girls who try to get wt they want ..and not be patient for her fate...i believe they'll suffer too ..
the little equation and nature for this life ..that what we must understand ..what's happening now is not the way that really should be ..
anyway i'm not talking about this bad types of girls ..which really made me hate being a girl :\
and what those bad girls made is just ruining the rest of girls..it feel like a war and who's gonna win ..the one if she haven't met her soul mate..she starts to give up her principals ..day after day..just to be like the others ..!!
surely i hate this :@..and it made me angry :@..to see all of this
why i'm talking about this now and make myself angry for nothing..
back to the main subject ..
boys chances to know their soul mates are much better than Girls ..boys can feel this better than girls ..coz boys always know what they really want ..but girls never knew this ...
girls will keep saying ..maybe him ,,maybe not ..i shouldn't give much hope....i'm not sure ..in the end she is tired and thinks to let it all go ..that's how normal girls thought ..
just like the thought i have
i don't Believe in my choices ..and i can't know if it good or bad ..
that's why Allah choices for us will always be the best for us ..
coz we get blinded some times ..and for sure we never know what good for us..
we don't know more than Allah ..everything happens for a reason ..
still boys are the one can feel it clearly that this is their other half ..
but what really annoys ..boy waste a lot of time ..in thinking and waiting for the perfect moment
which i can say for that * don't wait too much for the perfect moment coz it may pass u by*
that's happen a lot for hesitant ...maybe the girl likes u ..but she will not say it ..and she will keep hoping day after day if u say something ..which end with nothing ..till the girl loses hope ..and get engaged to someone else ..then he realize the loss he is in ..
the problem is the late realizing ..and it's a bad thing
like some friend of mine ..really it seem like the boy really likes her ..he give her hints ..alittle ones
but not that ones she can build a higher hopes and wait for him ..and he keeps taking along time ..and then someone come to her house for engagement by some relative ..
and yet she didn't know what to do ...she gave him one last chance to say something
but he kept silence and she get annoyed ..she accepted and going to be engaged ..
girls like the direct way ..direct words..not lying ..*w laf w dawran*..
i think what make boys silent ..is that they afraid to be refused 1#..and assume that if even she like them ..she will not wait 2# ..they afraid to be wrong in this choice3# ....and they think and say ..will maybe there is someone better than me 4#
nonsense words & thoughts..
-if the girl like u really ..she will wait for u ..even forever ..but tell her and ask her too
if she didn't accpet waiting ..then she is not liking u ...
85% of girls will wait ...the others .. some are that ones ..the circumstances won't allow them to..& the ones who don't want to wait
-if u afraid of not being the good choice..then it's not the one..coz if she is the one ..u will be surely 100# in ur choice and it's her ..
- i don't see anything wrong if a girl refused ..u don't lose a thing ..and at least u try for something u want so u won't ever regret being late to say it ....and she doesn't deserve u ..
and don't think that thought that she deserve someone better ..who told u that u are not..maybe u r just the perfect one for her ..!!
most girls never think about this things..or shallow stuff ... there are many other things are more important ...
i refused two people b4 ..in the same year ...both we just fooling around ...no matter how people told me i was too bad and harsh for them ...i don't believe that..i didn't like them ..they didn't even asked for engagement or anything ..all they said ..i love u and wish we keep talking together and be friends and bla bla bla ...nonsense words..and who wanted my email and who stole my number ..they are the worst ever ..and Alhamdulilah im done with that.... I've listened to many good words b4 ..but i never felt anything ..for this words or those persons ..i just felt sorry
i wasn't really that bad with them ..
it just simply ...my heart is closed to some one ..who isn't here ..haven't come yet ..:\
i feel like i have no feelings and so cold one.. but i know inside me i'm not ..even in the stories i wrote or make ..it's romantic and happy the whole time ...just fairy tales.!!.
in the end ...
i believe ..that there is some one somewhere is for me .. and when he comes.. i can't promise i'll know him from the start ..but i wish to recognize him ..from memories from old life * they say we have seen our life b4 but we can't remember it ..we just remember parts *or even from my dreams...i believe that i don't have to do anything ..u'll find me ..some how ..i don't know how and i can't think or expect it ... till i meet u my soul mate ..i pray for u everyday ..and u'll probably feel it ..and feel the power of my prayers and my soul ^_^ take care till we meet :)