
Life is too short, so it's Now or Never

السبت، 4 أكتوبر 2014

conversation #2 #man of my dreams

- hey i didn't finish what i wanted to say
- what do you want ?
- nothing .. i noticed you are back
- yes i'm back
- well so you got the msg. you wanted !!?
- no i didn't
- mmm why did you come back then?
- because i had to .. it's not personal ..but i can't hide for too long
- so he ignored you :D
- whatever
- i guess now u hate him
- i can't hate him's not like that
- so what is it like ?
-it's hard to explain
- why ?
- just forget about this ~~
- okay calm down .. did he send you a msg for el Eid?
- no
- why !!?
- go ask him
- if i were you , i wouldn't talk to him ever again
- :\
- i'm telling you ..u have to give it up ,he will never change
- stop it , he is not like that
- keep defending him till it get worse , go back now it's your chance to run away
- i don't want to ..i can't
- why ?
- i just can't's hard
- so do you love him ?
- ..........
- answer me ?
-i can't tell
- i will answer for you , you do love him but why can't you say it
- i'm not sure
- what make you unsure of it ?
- no .... i'm sure of it ..this time i'm 100% sure of my self ..but i'm afraid if he keep taking me for granted *if he really love me * ...i'm afraid of losing many things the journey of discovering love ..  it's been him .. he is the one .. for this whole time ..the past 3 years and now ..i kept falling for him over and over again no matter how many time i was so angry of him no matter how many times i thought about forgetting about him ..i always come back ..
that what i discovered and what i'm sure of .. i'm not sure of him, he is always confused , i'm afraid he keeps on wasting time over & over again ..i no longer love waiting ... i hate it
- what if he is just not ready to face you ?
- he should be ready by now !!  i'm not going to eat him -_-
- i mean financially ready what should he do ?
- have he asked me ?! it's okay to wait a little bit ..but it's better to wait when he is beside me ... this is much better than this unknown things
- so you are sure of his love for you ?
- a little ..lets say there is a possibility of this might be just imagination :|
- as long he is the one i want , i don't care how long it may take ..i can wait as long we will be together and with each other ..i mean we will help each other ,i don't think we will be that kind of couples that argue about stupid stuff ..i mean we will encourage each other for the best & will understand each other well ..:)
- what do you wish to tell him ?
- saraghandayo baboyaa
-do wish if he listen ?
- yes i wish if he can hear my heart
- what are you going to do now ?
- nothing ,i'll keep waiting till he understand where his real love goes to
- so u will be waiting !!
- yes i'll well , i told you as long this is what i want i can wait for it
- well i wish you the best .. good luck
- :) 

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