
Life is too short, so it's Now or Never

الأربعاء، 30 مايو 2012

لا اعلم

لا اعلم ماذا بى..ولكنى تذكرت اننا فى اخر شهر 5 ..لم استلم اى رسائل
من اى شركة بخصوص التدريب
اعلم اننى كنت واثقة جداا ان استلم رد باستجابة ..
اعلم اننى لا املك الكثير لاكتبه فى ال CV
برغم ان هذه اخر اجازه لى كطالبة .. وفرصتى الاخيرة لاتدرب
ولكن يبدو ان الامر لن يساعدنى كثيراا
كنت محبطة من البلد واحوالها
لكن ذلك زاد ذلك الشعور السئ
لكن لا اعلم .. لا اعلم اى شئ
لا ادرى ماذا يحدث لى ..انا فقط اشعر بالاختناق
سأكف عن هذا وعن الحلم بهذا
سأهتم من الان وصاعدا بالاشياء التى اجيدها فقط



الثلاثاء، 29 مايو 2012

حالة من التردد متخللة باليأس :\

لست هذه حقا الحالة..ولكننا الان نعيش حالة
 ولكن الجميع او الغالبية تشعر بتردد ..عندما يأتى الامر
الى انتخابات الاعادة .. لن ادخل فى حديث مطول عن هذا الامر
لانى سئمت من كل الاحاديث ومن الكلام مطولا ..
ولان اولا واخرا هذه ليست مدونة سياسية ..
لذلك سأعتذر عن كتابة اى شئ قد لا يعبر عن الحالة السياسية المعبرة للبلد
لان فى بادئ الامر عندما انشئت مكان هنا
كان لاجل الهروب ..اعترف ..
لا استطيع الهروب من السياسة فى كل مكان
التلفزيون النت الشارع ..كل الاماكن بلا استثناء ..
وبرغم ان حالتى النفسية اقرب الى اننى لا ارغب بالكتابة
الا اننى سأستمر فى كتابة الاشياء ..
لانى لو استمريت فى الاستماع اشعر بان عقلى
سينفجر منى ...لذلك اريد التركيز على امور اخرى
فى هذه الايام ..
لذلك اعتذر اذا كانت كتباتى فى وادى تانى
غير ما نعيشه ..
لذلك اقدم اعتذارى لكل الغاضبين والحزينين
ممما يحدث حاليا :| ..

السبت، 26 مايو 2012

A msg to * me in another person *

i know you are sad because we are far now
i know you are sad because of what happening now *elections*
i know you are so desperate and feel so angry ..
i know you are confused
i just know it all :| ..
simply i feel you me .. and i was feeling the same
and i can't be that way...i should be your light through the different situation
if you are sad ..I'll make u happy <3
if u feel lonely ..i will be your company <3
if you are desperate ..I'll be your hope <3
 if you are sick ..I'll be your medicine <3
in rainy days ..i'll be ur umbrella 
For You I'll BE Everything <3

if we are not together now ...i can only pray for you ..
everyday every night  ...:) be better ..:)
i pray for you ..things i won't tell you..i won't ever tell you
i'll just keep it that way ..
till you come ..
till you find me and  tell me ..*it's you*
i'm waiting for you ..I Love You <3
i just want you to come out of my dreams and be Real
coz i can't see you in my dreams ...
i just hear your voice :)
Take care till you come to me ^_^


letters !!

i really love macaroni letters ^_^ ..i really Love them ..i ADore them ..

and then when i was cleaning today ..
i found 3 letters on the floor ..
and they were
A   -  S    - 6  *9* ... ^_^
is this a sign ?!!
i like the numbers & the letters and eating them :)..

الخميس، 24 مايو 2012

The only thing we have in common :\

the only thing we have in common is being fools ..
stubborn ...this won't take us anywhere :\ ..
some patience plz ...
my exams will end on june 14th ...i really wish my life changes after that date

and i can't complete my own story :@ ..

السبت، 19 مايو 2012

i'm giving up :((

life is too short regret worry .to wait expect...what should i do ?!
i'm giving up my thoughts expectation blog.. my fans.. my fairy story..
i'll be on earth more
i'll be a better person ..i won't hurt anyone anymore ..i'll accept people who loves me ..
i won't hurt them ..i won't refuse them ..
it doesn't matter if i do or long they do love me ..i'll try to love them ..
i won't make them wait any more ...sorry me...i don't know anything right now ...
..  i need a miracle ...:(
i wish 1st one to show up be my soul-mate...i don't want to meet others or to know many others...i just hate this must be him ..or it'll be just a waste of time ...
i'm no longer going to be patient to who tries to confuse me .. i'm sick of people hiding & fooling around ... welcome to people who are obvious and direct ..:(

scenes from my story * if this were a movie, u'd be here now*

شكرا لكل الاشخاص اللى اوحولى بالقصة  
Girl typing  *thought*
1st chapter 
# we met coincidentally , when i went with my  friend to finish her papers somewhere ..
when we were there, he comes out from nowhere ..he showed up .. it that feel when u feel u know that person along ago ..   i smiled ...what attracted me really ..his speech in politics..he didn't even mention his name ..reminding me of someone ..although it was a little time there ..but still it's on my memory ..can't erase it !!.*i got a deep impression*..we left * i wished to come there back again ..i liked the place * ..and there were a thought on my head..this year is going to be different ..and i stopped myself from thinking more...ever since this moment he was always on my thoughts and mind...he just appeared in my life the moment i really needed someone to..i was just out of my long time depression ..^_^
3rd chapter :
# we didn't meet again ..or gathered at any place...but i've always seen him far..i kept watching without caring ..for me ..thanks to him ..he saved my life thoughts..since 1st time i've seen him life changed..we can say he gave me hope without even know...
the one question was always on my mind...does he remember me ?!!..seriously i wished he does
4th chapter:
# he came towards me ..asking for something ..OMG !!...
he kept talking and i was silent ..just nodding my head..and say ah moment
i can't really express my feelings them was like i was inside him .. i forgot myself when i was looking inside his looked deep and i got lost...when i realized that i was focusing in the eyes..i turned my head..i've always done that ..that's why i hate to look to others in the eyes ..
# i've always liked the way he thought ..and his opinion in the different situation in politics was just like mine ..i think this is why i liked him in the 1st place..
 # when we were at the library ..he showed up suddenly behind my back ..he was telling the people i was talking to ..about some books they were searching for ..this moment i was listening carefully ..i was lost and thinking ..when he come and did he hear what i've talking with this friends about !!....and i was thinking and turning my head right & left.. i noticed him looking at my right hand :O !!...i didn't move...i acted like i haven't seen anything ...but my innocent heart  trembled
5th :
i was sooo angry ..why he kept appearing everywhere :@..really i'm going insane ...when i remember when i was in the street ..i was behind him seeing him talking to some one.. he was a little far from the side walk ..i saw a car coming ..i was shocked don't know what to do ..should i warn him !!..he might stand and don't move ..should i grab him from his arm ..i was focusing with the car ..and prayed in my heart if he moves alone last ..he moved alone forward and the car passed was like huh Alhamdulilah

to be continued .....

الجمعة، 18 مايو 2012

want to run away T_T

yeah this what i feel this days,,i wanna run away from FB..from my friends..even from this blog..
i'm sickkkk of everything don't know what to do .!!!..where to hide ?!!
it's boring...everything one cares really one understand...
i'm kinda lost...need to find myself ...
these days i feel like wanna cry soo much matter i hold the seem i can't anymore
 wednesday ..i cried a lot when i was washing the dishes ..don't know why..i was just crying ..feel suffocated ... my sister spend a day with us b4 she leave was like old days .. but i was too lost give her more attention ...i didn't cry today at the airport...i didn't cry at the wedding ..
i'm tired of crying silently ..
she always left me ...1st alone in college ..then in home ,,now in's been always to be ready for that ...that's why i swallowed my tears ..and acted like the rock .. :(( 
it's almost exams time ,  so i'll get lost these days ..will try to change many things ..and study well 
be a better student ...just to be busy ..

الخميس، 17 مايو 2012

AM I wrong !!!????? :((

i'm terribly sad :(..
we have to do 3 word files & 3 power point in 3 different subjects in transportation ..& put them on CD
we will do this in a group of ur section with 3 ...
and i was going to do the whole work  alone for the 3 of us ..coz they can't use computer well
yesterday night ..a boy told one of them that he made her the whole thing ..and give me two names of ur friends to put it on CD ..and will give  it  on tomorrow..
she asked me for that ....i refused ..she agreed .. i told her ..there still one else ..ask her ..
i was a little sure that she will refuse :(... but she also agreed i told them ..put ur own names without mine ...i'm not accepting ...after arguing ..she put my name with them ..i told her i'll make them on my own ..and put my name on my own work ... .it doesn't matter i was going to do them from the start alone matter how stuck i'm ...and i haven't made them yet ..i can't accept such favors ..
i have my reasons ..:\....
i haven't done anything yet ..and it's too late ..but i'll do it ..coz i can't ..and i don't want to accept this ...for many reasons i can't explain well ..
this made me angry some how....
and still i will do it matter how i want to sleep matter how tired i'm ..
looking to the fact of signs ..i might say this is a help that i must accept and rest for a while
looking to principles...i can't accept it ...
kinda lost...but i've done what closer to my heart & head ..

was i wrong in this ?!!!!? :\

الثلاثاء، 15 مايو 2012

yaaaaaay ^_^

well i get a msg from a company today ..they want the CV ..then they will choose people to interview them ..and then choose the ones they will train ..and they'll have the opportunity to work for it ^_^
i'm soooooooo excited ..and today is the last day to send the CV..i haven't written it yet ..but i'll
but i don't know what to write ^_^..this is the biggest adventure in my life now ^_^..
i wish to go to that interview ...i believe i'm different and i can do it ^_^ ..
it's the thing i'm feeling like fighting for it ..since along time ago ..1st time to want something like this so badly ..*not the 1st but there is something else too *...^_^..i think it's a chance ..and in the end it doesn't matter  ..if i get a place to be trained in this company or not least i tried ..and for sure ..the feel of trying something new ..
i know i don't have  alot to put in this C.V.
& there are many others better than me ...still i've a hope  ..even how little is it
i can goooooo with it to the best :)
Fightingggggg ^_^
i want to dare to go to this // this will improve me in somehow really ^_^..
ya raaab ..:)

sorry mom & dad :(

a few days ago mom told me about a friend was with me in school and her mother was celebrating that she got the 1st place in her class
i was sooo happy ^_^
but later when i stayed alone thinking ...i really couldn't do this once ...
i knew along time ago .. mom wanted this inside her ..but she never say it ..i know this ..
i'n not afraid of exams problem is ii'm too lazy to study ..that's it ..
i'm not stupid ..i'm just lazy.. for example //in quizez ..i study 5 mintues b4 the quiz..and then go and solve it in 5 mintues...if i really studied i can do something ..but i can't do this as i believe  studying is a waste of time ...and i don't like high grades ..well this will not say if i understand or not ...if i'm smart or not...specially learning here in this country....and a long talks in this ..maybe need a post for this ..i made along one a month ago in my head ..but no time to type ...
that's why i wanted to say sorry for mom & dad ..for not being the student they wanted me to be
they never really say anything ..and with every degrees ..hahahah.. mom get sad alittle ..and dad say Alhamdulilah and smile ..^_^ dad really feels me ..or maybe he feel the suffering i'm through ^_^ ...well Alhamdulilah ... :)..i'm grateful ..they never told me go to study or anything ..coz they believe in us that we know our duty ..and no matter wasting time we do in the end we will do it ..:)
this kind of trust is the best thing ...:) don't force the others ..and let them do it * mn nafsohom*
*انت من تقوم نفسك *
but i wanted to be a better student for them :) make them proud ..but i don't like the lights ..
when i was at the Math Olympics 5 years ago ..i gave up for some boy smart  ..we scored the same mark 10\10 ..and i'm too lazy to go here & there .. and i was the only girl left in this level
even the teacher didn't believe it ..i was so ordinary student ..even no high degrees but this teacher believed in me :) i waas his 2nd choice after the 1st on the school.. ..which till now i can't believe i went to this's a nice thing to know u r smart ..& meeting this boy smarter than me ...he was faster ...well i believe boys are smarter than girls anyway ...^_^
this really gave me more confidence and to believe in myself :) ..Alhamulilah :)..this was a great gift from Allah ..that changed my life after this :).. it was a miracle for the whole school
i think i need one now ^_^...
this was from the past now ..i'm no longer that smart .. everyday i become a little stupid :\..
but still i'm the best at expecting others & noticing everything :P ^_^..hahhahahah
what made me really sad that i even couldn't be like my father :)..
non of us ..:\.. but still we are a good daughters & sons in many other things but not this
anyway we can't have it all one is ..u have this or this ...:)..

i'm stuckkkkkkkk !!..i'm afraid too :((

hahhahahahhahahahahaha ...well i'm worried as if it's my first time ..and i'm not always being like that ...really i hate this in me ..i really wanna change it ...
but i can't help myself :\\
i'm afraid that i won't be able to help myself again ..:(..
why i'm doing this to myself ?!!
tomorrow maybe my last day at college ..and  last chance to many things..
then it will be along long holidays that i really hate ..coz it make me sad & desperate :(
and i'm not sure to go for training :(..
i'm no longer sure of anything ..which is a bad thing
i'm no longer able to swallow the tears inside me  more than this it'll explode :(
and i don't want this happen i'll keep acting like i'm crying and laugh at my acting ..then it's over ..this what i have been doing the last 2 weeks ...
i'll try to keep it that way no one see this ..coz i hate it ..
i'm always late .. late for everything .. :(
but i believe everything will be good in the end
i believe :)..i'll smile no matter what ...i'll be me no matter how many others hurts me ..
i'll smile and treat them better ...
this doesn't mean i don't feel it //.. i feel the hurt but i act like nothing ..
All is well ..

الاثنين، 14 مايو 2012

sarang Bi ^_^

na sarang Bi :)) * i love rain* ^_^
it rained today was a strange thing to happen ..!!
i was surprised ..
still i Love Rain :)..but i missed it today coz i was sleeping :\
it feels good :)..and it's 5eer in shaa Allah :)

it's a thought close to reailty ..!!

well this is about expressing love ..i believe & always will ..that no girl should make the 1st step ...
boys should... this is how it must be ...
but seriously now ..i see Girls are making much efforts ..and boys still wondering what to do..really they aren't  wondering ..they are afraid ...don't know what they afraid of ..maybe they afraid to get hurt ..but if they keep silence they will lose it all ..yes they well ..
i'm not talking here about the bad type of girls who stalk after a boy and still after him tell he fell for her ..this type is the worst ever..they ruin everything for other kind and normal girls ..and who fell for this types ..really deserve the miserable life he will get !!!..
and girls  who try to get wt they want ..and not be patient for her fate...i believe they'll suffer too ..
the little equation and nature for this life ..that what we must understand ..what's happening now is not the way that really should be ..
anyway i'm not  talking about this bad types of girls ..which really made me hate being a girl :\
and what those bad girls made is just ruining the rest of feel like a war and who's gonna win ..the one if she haven't met her soul mate..she starts to give up her principals after day..just to be like the others ..!!
surely i hate this :@..and it made me angry see all of this
 why i'm talking about this now and make myself angry for nothing..
back to the main subject ..
boys chances to know their soul mates are much better than Girls ..boys can feel this better than girls ..coz boys always know what they really want ..but girls never knew this ...
girls will keep saying ..maybe him ,,maybe not ..i shouldn't give much hope....i'm not sure the end she is tired and thinks to let it all go ..that's how normal girls thought ..
just like the thought i have
i don't Believe in my choices ..and i can't know if it good or bad ..
that's why Allah choices for us will always be the best for us ..
coz we  get blinded some times ..and for sure we  never know what good for us..
we don't know more than Allah ..everything happens for a reason ..
still boys are the one can feel it clearly that this is their other half ..
but what really annoys ..boy waste a lot of time thinking and waiting for the perfect moment
which i can say for that * don't wait too much for the perfect moment coz it may pass u by*
that's happen a lot for hesitant ...maybe the girl likes u ..but she will not say it ..and she will keep hoping day after day if u say something ..which end with nothing ..till the girl loses hope ..and get engaged to someone else ..then he realize the loss he is in ..
the problem is the late realizing ..and it's a bad thing
like some friend of mine ..really it seem like the boy really likes her ..he give her hints ..alittle ones
but not that ones she can build a higher hopes and wait for him ..and he keeps taking along time ..and then someone come to her house for engagement by some relative ..
and yet she didn't know what to do ...she gave him one last chance to say something
but he kept silence and she get annoyed ..she accepted and going to be engaged ..
girls like the direct way words..not lying ..*w laf w dawran*..
i think what make boys silent that they afraid to be refused 1#..and assume that if even she like them ..she will not wait 2# ..they afraid to be wrong in this choice3# ....and they think and say ..will maybe there is someone better than me 4#
nonsense words & thoughts..
-if the girl like u really ..she will wait for u ..even forever ..but tell her and ask her too
if she didn't accpet waiting ..then she is not liking u ...
85% of girls will wait ...the others .. some are that ones ..the circumstances won't allow them to..& the ones who don't want to wait
 -if u afraid of not being the good choice..then it's not the one..coz if she is the one ..u will be surely 100# in ur choice and it's her ..
- i don't see anything wrong if a girl refused ..u don't  lose a thing ..and at least u try for something u want  so u won't ever regret being late to say it ....and she doesn't deserve u ..
and don't think that thought that she deserve someone better ..who told u that u are not..maybe u r just the perfect one for her ..!!
most girls never think about this things..or shallow stuff ... there are many other things are more important ...

i refused two people b4 the same year ...both we just fooling around matter how people told me i was too bad and harsh for them ...i don't believe that..i didn't like them ..they didn't even asked for engagement or anything ..all they said ..i love u and wish we keep talking together and be friends and bla bla bla ...nonsense words..and who wanted my email and who stole my number ..they are the worst ever ..and Alhamdulilah im done with that.... I've listened to many good words b4 ..but i never felt anything ..for this words or those persons ..i just felt sorry
i wasn't really that bad with them ..
it just simply heart is closed to some one ..who isn't here ..haven't come yet ..:\
i feel like i have no feelings and so cold one.. but i know inside me i'm not ..even in the stories i wrote or make's romantic and happy the whole time ...just fairy tales.!!.
in the end ...
i believe ..that there is some one somewhere is for me .. and when he comes.. i can't promise i'll know him from the start ..but i wish to recognize him ..from memories from old life * they say we have seen our life b4 but we can't remember it ..we just remember parts *or even from my dreams...i believe that i don't have to do anything ..u'll find me ..some how ..i don't know  how and i can't think  or expect it ... till i meet u my soul mate ..i pray for u everyday ..and u'll probably feel it ..and feel the power of my prayers and my soul ^_^ take care till we meet :)

net !

the only one thing ..and no1# in my priority my Family .. then friends ..then others* according to people*
this how i choose  my choices & decisions ..* not in everything ..but when it come to something like going somewhere ....etc..especially friends decisions and many many things ..can't explain it ..well will take time ..and i don't feel like i wanna talk about this right now ..
when it come to friends ..the priority goes to ..Real friend ..i mean friend in my real life ..not this virtual one ...i mean in real people in front of ur eyes ..u can see a lot of they do ..u know them they act ..u know just a lot about them ..which is not a lies !!!
not like this virtual or fake world ..we ran to it ran away from our real life ..
i don't like this ..i like people to give their life ..the real one outside of this box ..i just wish if we give it most of our times ..and focus in it ...spending a lot of time here online ...wastes alot in real i can do more things i like ..give the people who really loves me the care they deserve ..don't waste time to spend time with my family ..we are just missing this times..
talking , arguing , going some where ..enjoy many things with family & friends ...
this how i wanted to be ..i wanted to give my whole time to my life..
this little machine ruins life & head :\...wastes too much of our short life time !!
i don't wanna waste my whole life spending it online on Facebook or whatever
i just wanna enjoy life normally ...with family & friends ..outside ...
 i wish to try many many things... i know I'm a little afraid of that ..but if someone encourages me ..i can be outgoing and dare to try new things ..and be more active..:\ ..i won't be afraid then...
i just wanna have something new ...
maybe lately ..i became a little braver ..but it's all buried again ..and sure will take time to wake up this again ...
and even people here ..virtual friends..well.. not all of them bad ...but i can't trust anyone easily ..
coz there are too many fake people here .. people lying about their names  works saying they are someone else ..or a boy make himself a girl & girl make herself a boy ..mysterious people ...this all make me afraid :\ ...
this is a little crazy world ...a lot of lies.. this why i don't wanna be here on net  too long :\
1st we ran from real life because of stresses and the world isn't the good way that fit us , our dreams , our hopes ...and even we come here ..this is even worse !!
on FB ..daily i receive a MSG from strange people lie ..or just deceivers  ..i don' t believe this things ..i don't ever reply a msg from strangers ..even from some people i don't even reply ..
it's not a safe place ..and i don't talk to anyone that easy !!!
in the end matter if i explained it right or wrong
the main advice from all this talkings
to Give your life more time ..and stay online less ..
that's it

الأحد، 13 مايو 2012


i'm tired

i'm feeling tired this days & sleeping a lot
specially after last thursday i didn't sleep ..actually i was doing some work for management for college...some case study :).. i went to college and i was tired ...i was sleeping in the way to college and even when i come back was horrible ..and i won't do this again..:\
simply it's hard to walk ,,hard to talk ..and ur bones aching ..thanks to Allah i come back home and slept ..since this ..i sleep a lot ..
i have to sleep early ..coz my exams at 9 am ..and this week ..i have a lot of work to do
as this is the last week ... no more chances :\ ...
i didn't do what i wanted to do today..i wasted time in kitchen :\..
well i still believe maybe tomorrow is better :)..
and i really made a decision ..that i'm giving up many things now... some dreams ..some people
some thoughts ..some knowledge ... really many things don't deserve our care !!
i know it's alright this time's hard to fight a lone sometimes ...:|
i'm sorry myself ..forgive me please ..for doing this many bad things to u
i'll try my best this time ..i'll be a better person ...
i know i've said this alot ..and every time i change a little ..but it will take time ..
in the end i will be the best version of myself ...:) ..
i hope the end ..tomorrow is a new & a better day :)...
my soulmate...
maybe we meet tomorrow ..maybe the day after it ..maybe at anytime week ,next month....
in the end surely we will meet ...don't know how or where ..but we will ..someday :)
this is the thing i can't give it up ..:|

السبت، 12 مايو 2012

Polaris ^_^

i Love Polaris <3 * the polar star * *north star*
today when i was on the balcony ..i stared at the sky ..searching for Polaris :)
it one of things i like ...remembered when i was a little kid ..i was soo interested in the sky , stars ,planets & i wanted to work and study this science...i always felt it's different& interesting ^_^
and i wanted to go to the outer space :)..this is all childhood dreams :)
what's i Love the most in Polaris ?
is that this star always there ...never disappear with seasons's just always there
to lead u to the directions... lead u to the north ...
i believe in this life we never get lost ...if it is something internally in ourselves ..we have Allah and our religion guide us us mentally & our inner feelings ^_^
when we are lost in places and don't know where to go ..or where even to start searching
look at the sky ..try to find Polaris'll lead u to the north ..wherever u are..always :)
this is the nature compass in this life's so lovely ^_^
i feel strange feelings when i look there's like ..well i can't express it ..but it's a good feelings ..
make u smile ..:)..
this is a Gift from Allah ...Alhamdulilah

الجمعة، 11 مايو 2012

the secret of Number 9 ^_^

i don't even remember if i wrote this post b4 or not
but i Love no#9 ..coz i was born in September  // the 9th month
that's why i simply like it
and i also Like 6 & 3 ...don't know why but i feel it's  a nice numbers :D..
i Love people born in June & September
don't know why ...but i think the numbers it's all about it :)..
feeling like 6 , 3 are closer to 9 ^_^

new watermelon Background :\

well ..i adoooooore watermelon^_^ sooooooooo much
even more than Mango ..bananas & Apples ^_^
watermelon is the best :)
but this BG ..isn't that's kinda sad and dark ..
will still searching for something brighter
i wished if it was something like this ^_^

حقيقة مؤلمة

دائما ابدا نخطئ
ونفعل نفس الخطأ بمرور الوقت
لماذا لا نتعلم !!؟ برغم كونك واقعيا فى معظم الاحيان
تبقى المشكلة فى خيالاتك
تبا لهذا .. ترسم صور وخيال شخصيات لاشخاص فى عقلك
تظنهم الافضل والاحسن ..وتعجب بهم
ولكن ماتشعر به حقيقة هو حيال ما تخيلته عنه
ولكن ليس حقيقتهم
دائما نفعل نفس الشئ ودائما نصدم
حقا متعبة
لان لا احد ابدا كان كما تخيلت
واظن ايضا ان حتى احلامى وتخيلاتى الخاصة بى
لن تكون حقيقة او كما تخيلتها
لن تكون افضل بل يمكن اسوأ بقليل
اتمنى ان اكف على ان اظن ان الكل طيبيين وانقياء
والبراءة كل مافيهم .. و..
فى النهاية الكل بشر ويخطئون
حقا انا صدمت كثيرا
لذلك اردت ان اتوقف
اريد ان اكف عن الحلم قليلا