
Life is too short, so it's Now or Never

الثلاثاء، 8 مايو 2012

14\4 such an idiot :\

well yes i'm ...i'm a doing a lot of not good things :\
i really hate eating alone
i hate eating outside ..especially from streets  :))
but sometimes i eat with my friends
& when i' m home i eat again...not because i'm hungry ..but to not make mom
feels sad that i'm eating out ..and not eating whats made home...
it's a abad thing ..and i'm having a bad stomach and soo sensitive 
thanks to Allah i'm not vomiting :\ matter how i feel i wanna do this ..
i don't sleep much's like torturing myself ..yeah ..:((
i really wanna stop it ...but i end with nothing if i'm talking with some friends on net ..& i'm terribly wanna sleep..i keep talking until i fall a sleep and can't hold myself ..even if someone asked me to do something ..i don't sleep and finish the work ..
and i end with sleeping ..& i keep wishing tomorrow i'll sleep better ..but because i'm a fool
i hate to tell anyone that i'm sleeping and i keep forcing myself to be a wake talk with friends , study, work ,or to be with mom or sister not feel a lone :)
in the end i be left a lone a wake and can't sleep ...then i sleep alone ..
if i was thinking alittle about myself ..i was going to sleep better ..
i'm hardly standing and walk ....
i can't sleep .. i sleep at 4 am ..till 10 am max. ..i wake up b4 it ...that i be dizzy all the day ..but i keep forcing myself to be a wake the whole time ...
why i'm afraid to tell others i'm going to sleep's just a sentence's all coz i think they will be feeling sad if i left them ...:((
latelly i've found that if i have nothing to do i sleep ..if anyone leaves me alone for a second ..they come back fins me sleeping ..
that's why i never leave them and asks always to tell me to do things ..just to stay a wake
without work or talking or typing ..i sleep .. reading & thinking  make me sleep
that's why i sleep in lectures& sections all the time ..coz i be alone ..but when i'm talking to some friend ..i'm a wake :)..
that's why at home ..when i've nothing to do ..i stay logged in  ..just to not to sleep keep myself a wake ..
my head is too heavy ...and i want to sleep ..zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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