
Life is too short, so it's Now or Never

الجمعة، 10 ديسمبر 2010

it's just a thought !!!

life has many definitions i like many of them  ,for me i think if we look to the side of opportunities & chances ...we can describe life like a train ..if we missed the  train ..this train not sure if u'll see it again or to got into it ... some never come back ...just will come different one but not the same at the one passed maybe better maybe not....even people are different every train ...
maybe also ..if we look to the side of luck & Fate ...we can decribe it like a boat with a sail
the wind takes it wherever u have to be ....

another one...depend on the importance of people in our life ...things..Religion ..
life is like a big Puzzle ..everyone & everything have a piece of this big puzzle
everyone comes to our life ...people we care for...people that passes by us daily
things we love to do ....,...etc...
everyone completes & put a piece on that big puzzle.....
but still there is a missing piece and that doesn't fit anyone ..except one person
only one in this world..the one you meant to be with ...the important one that complete the puzzle
the center piece ...that our soulmate in this life  will complete it ...
but if he never comes ...this part will be missed ...
that's doesn't mean others don't have any importance ..on contrary ..
some people leave this world ....very important for us ...and just leave a space
after they gone.... i think one & nothing can replace anyone in my life
because i love to give everyone & everything its  importance...because every1 & everything
in our life ...are important for us ...even the little details ....everything really  have it's own place
that it can't be for anyone else .....

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