
Life is too short, so it's Now or Never

الأربعاء، 25 أبريل 2012

day at dream park :D

yes i know i'm sickkkk ...i know i'm having a midterm exam tomorrow ..i know i haven't studied yet
in the end soooooooo what !!!!
i really enjoyed the place ...and it made me think about many dreams...
when i meet my soulmate...from the places i wanna go there
it's a good place face some fears .. enjoy crazy ..have fun ^_^...
although i was sooo lonely...but i was daydreaming ^_^..
anyway was good ..and i'm going again soon ..:)..i hope so ..
to try other games with friends ^_^..i'm turning to be sooo brave =)) next time i'll try the worst games there ..the thing i never done ..although i should wait for mysoulmate to do this when he come ..but still he is not here ..and i need to be strong...and maybe he is afraid of this things ..i must be strong and encourage him to enjooooy the end it just a games ^^

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